Fell In Love Over Fried Chicken While Taping National Show
My dream finally came true last year as I had the opportunity to be one of the hosts for the biggest food competition in America, World Food Championships which is held in November in Orange Beach, Alabama.

The taped piece is Food, "Fame & Fortune" which is airing in select markets features myself, Jay Ducote & Suzane Kosnick. We are responsible for following chefs in 3 different food categories each to see who will win the grand prize of $100k in cash and prizes.

We did have 1 Alabamian to place in the top 10 for the sandwich category. Brandon Burleson from Montgomery, AL won with his cornbread BLT that was inspired by his grandmothers cornbread recipe.

Luckily this year Jonathan Tucker the owner of Rusty's BBQ in Leeds, Alabama won the Birmingham Burger Bash which qualified him to compete. Also, Executive Chef of WindCreek Montgomery Itta Bena Restaurant won a golden ticket and will compete this year in the Chili competition.

WFC is Nov. 8-12th in Orange Beach, AL at The Wharf. It is a free event to attend. For the full event schedule, log onto the World Food Championship. See you there!